
How to split views.py to several smaller files in Django

Published at 2024-05-01 14:11:30Viewed 321 times
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When your views.py is too large, it becomes much more difficult to manage your code. So you might want to split views.py into several subviews, each of which contains a single sort of views.

To split views.py, you could follow the following steps. Your original views.py might look like this:

import ...

def view1(request):

def view2(request):

Now, create a new folder subviews aside with views.py , i.e. /Django/mysite/MyAPI/subviews. Next, create __init__.py, viewsa.py, and viewsb.py in the folder subviews to form the following folder/file structure :


subviews1.py :

from .views import *

def view1(request):

subviews2.py :

from .views import *

def view2(request):

__init__.py :

from subviews1 import *
from subviews2 import *

Then this would work the same as a single views.py file. Don't forget to change the urls.py file before you reloading Django.

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[antd: Message] You are calling notice in render which will break in React 18 concurrent mode. Please trigger in effect instead.

I'm getting this error when using MessageWarning: [antd: Message] You are calling notice in render which will break in React 18 concurrent mode. Please trigger in effect instead.Here is my code:import { message } from 'antd'; export default function Page() { const [messageApi, contextHolder] = message.useMessage(); const res = await fetch("/api/...", { method: "POST", }); if (!res.ok) { messageApi.error("Error! Fail to login!"); } return ( <Home> ... </Home> ) }

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